The Sunday Currently Vol.2

August 26, 2018

August 26, 2018

Hey there! It's been a while since I posted another entry for my Sunday Currently blog series and I'm so sorry for being so inactive here. I hope that I can continue this series every week. But I really really hope so. *fingers crossed*

reading staying strong 365 days a year by Demi Lovato, this was the book that I've been wanting to have since I'm in college. Thank God that I already have one now. Yes! 

writing my 2nd entry for my sunday currently series on my blog, since I'm on leave today and this is what you call happiness! 

listening to The Truth Untold by BTS. Like really, it was playing on my speakers today since my playlist was BTS' Answer album that was on shuffle.

thinking what will happen tomorrow, 'coz I'll be at work again and it makes me feel a 'lil bit sad (because of the 1 day leave that I filed, LOL!) but NO, it's a double pay tomorrow! It's a regular holiday indeed!

smelling nothing I think. I only smell the scent of the freshness of the rain that was brought by the wind here in our windows. Hahaha!

wishing still for long lasting good health for me and also for my family. Number 1 priority in my life, my family.

hoping for a love life but not really, just kidding!

wearing my favorite peach sando and a shorts. I really feel comfortable when I'm just at home. 

wanting to have the best of the best that I can have in the future, ugh! How can I get that?

needing more money! LOL! money to buy more foods because I really want to get fat! Pleaseeeee! 

feeling sleepy right now, even though I just woke up simply because of the bed weather (raining/cloudy outside).

*Special thanks to the one who started this kind of series. Sunday Currently blog series was originally created by Siddathornton. Love yah girl!

Thanks for dropping by!
See you again soon on my Sunday Currently blog series! 

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Lazy Orlov 

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