posts in Sunday Currently Vol.4

The Sunday Currently Vol.4

May 24, 2020

May 24, 2020

Wow! It's been a year (nope! almost 2 years) since the last update on my The Sunday Currently series here on my blog. Hoping that I can continue this series again. I really miss doing this! Okay enough of that let's start!

reading a book hahaha! (Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov). Hoping that I can finish this today or either tomorrow.

writing my 4th entry for my sunday currently series since I'm on work from home set-up and that's why I have enough time for my blog these past few days.

listening to OPM songs more likely Apo Hiking Society. I miss listening to them because my phone is full of Korean songs.

thinking on what to eat because it's mirienda time as of this writing. 

smelling the fruity flavor of the hair treatment that I applied on my sister's hair. LOL!

wishing stillfor the good health of my family and also for me especially now that there's pandemic crisis which is the COVID 19.

hoping for better days and also for this crisis to end soon.

wearing my sleeping dress up to this time (3PM) (hahahaha! I will take a bath later) and my hair in a bun.

wanting love from him. Just kidding! HAHAHA!

needing more more money please! It's hard to be at home, my mouth keeps craving for something delicious food and I can't resist not to buy. Ugh! Food is love.

feeling sleepy right now but I won't be able to because I have a work. Work is life and work helps you to earn money. If you have money you can buy the things that your family needs.

*Special thanks to the one who started this kind of series. Sunday Currently blog series was originally created by Siddathornton. Love yah girl!

Thanks for dropping by!
See you again soon on my Sunday Currently blog series! 

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Lazy Orlov 
© The Lazy Orlov